Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Harbour Report

Below is a copy of the harbour report completed in 2009.

Note that although the cover states that it is a "HARBOUR CONCEPT PLAN", this report is different from what is typically understood by this term.  It is however essentially an assessment of the harbour with suggestions for arranging uses within the study area. 

The project currently underway to develop a strategic plan for the harbour will be informed by the information in this and other background reports.

The report objective is stated on page 1:

"The objective of this study was to take a proactive look at possible future scenarios fro the harbour area and create a conceptual or notational plan that would assist the Town in developing an action plan for moving forward". 

"This study is not a master plan study; a master plan will yet need to be completed.  The scope of thios study did not include a market demand study, feasibility and cost analysis, detailed program for the harbour or details of design and implementation".


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Another 22 "issues"/concerns have been added to the list on the "COMMENTS" page/tab of this blog. 

These came from the public meeting held on February 12th. 

Feel free to add yours to the list.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Email Subscribe

Another way that you can stay up-to-date on information from this blog is to sign up to follow by email notification. 

The sign up for this is in the Right hand sidebar.


This symbol stands for "RSS feed".  RSS allows you to subscribe to the new posts and comments that are left on the blog. 

The subscribe button is in the right hand sidebar.

Resources and Background Information

Staff will be posting resources and background information relating to the two harbour area projects on the blog. 

These posts will include short descriptions and outlines of these materials to help explain them.  As new ideas/information is developed that relate to these projects, they will also be posted in a similar manner. 

Note that this may take some time, and you may have to revisit the blog occasionally to keep up-to-date.

Aerial Photo - Town Owned Properties

Below is an aerial photograph showing the Town owned properties in the harbour area (red outline).

Public Meeting Presentation

Below is the presentation that was made at the February 12th public meeting.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Innitial Public Meeting

On February 12th, 2013 the Town held the first meeting relating to the development of a harbour strategy.  The meeting was held at the Collingwood Public Library, 3rd Floor Community Rooms between 6:00pm & 8:30pm.

Approximately 148 people attended the meeting.

Town staff and a representative from the Collingwood Yacht Club presented information relating to the two interrelated harbour projects (longer term strategic plan, and temporary docking project to deal with low water levels).  Numerous attendees also came forward to speak to their concerns during the "open floor" portion of the meeting.

 The presentation materials, as well as, information gathered during the meeting will be posted here as soon as possible.

Project Principles

Below are the nine principles that have been developed to guide this project:
1. The strategy should be informed by existing policy direction.
2. Contemporary viewpoints/knowledge should be used to support policy and recommendations.
3. The overall evolution of the harbour, ranging from immediate needs to future goals, should be addressed.
4. Users and stakeholders should be engaged in meaningful dialog during the strategy’s development.
5. The economic development of the greater downtown and harbour area should be supported by the strategy
6. Opportunities for a diversity of complementary uses should be provided.
7. The livability and quality of life in Collingwood through recreational, lifestyle, and business opportunities should be supported.
8. The harbour area should be accessible and connected to other parts of the community.
9. Uses should not degrade the natural environment.

If you feel there are others, please forward your ideas to staff for consideration (either through a comment on this blog, or email).

Purpose of the Strategic Plan

The following outlines the draft purpose identified for the Strategic Plan that Council has asked staff to develop:

To craft a strategy for the use and development of the harbour area that:

1) Addresses community needs;
2) Maximizes effective use of the unique qualities and assets of the harbour;
3) Provides accessibility for citizens and visitors alike;
4) Provides opportunities for varied and complementary uses; and,
5) Supports community livability and a high quality of life.

If you have suggestions for other things that should be added to the five points in this draft purpose statement, please provide them as a comment to this post. 

Information Sources

As staff find information resources during the development of the Project, they will be posted to the blog. This will allow people to become more familiar with the subject and may generate ideas that can be incorporated into the Project.

If there is something about one of these posts that you find interesting, inspiring, or would like to see included in our Project please provide a comment letting staff know your point of view.

Ideas, Issues and Concepts

A list of IDEAS, ISSUES and CONCEPTS  has been added to the right sidebar. This list will be updated as necessary and is intended to keep track of the various issues that arise during the Project.


In the right-hand sidebar readers can find a useful pull down menu - the BLOG ARCHIVE. The ARCHIVE allows readers to access all previous posts.


One of the most significant advantages of using a blog for projects of this kind is the ability of readers to leave comments on what is being presented. This way citizens and other stakeholders are able to participate in the project at a time and location that is convenient to them. Participation is no longer as dependent upon scheduling restrictions as it has been in the past.

While the blog provides information online and removes the necessity to travel to numerous meetings or seek out information about project developments one may have missed, it also allows people to participate after the fact, and at any time during the length of the project. This is achieved by providing a way for readers to leave written comments on each of the posts.

At the bottom of each post there is a COMMENT link. By clicking on this link, all the comments left on that post become visible, and a comment screen appears for a reader to leave their own comments as well.

Note that all comments are moderated, so it may take a short while before a submitted comment appears on the blog

What's Here

This blog is designed to provide information in ways that are easily accessible and understood.  It is intended to be the central information resource and community engagement component of this project.  It is also intended to provide the community and stakeholders with information and encourage dialog.

This site will provide a variety of information, including:

  • videos;
  • background reports;
  • photographs;
  • presentations;
  • questions;
  • discussion items;
  • illustrations;
  • maps;
  • Project status updates; and,
  • meeting schedules

Council Direction

This project is directly related to another project which seeks to address the impacts of low water levels in the bay on docking and moorage. 

Council’s direction to staff for these two projects is as follows:

“Council direct staff to proceed with developing a harbour strategy to determine short and long term goals to enhance the harbour area for the public and various stakeholders with the phased options to be presented to Council for consideration once defined;

“Council direct staff to work with the Collingwood Yacht Club to develop an appropriate temporary arrangement, which will have no financial impact on the town or negative impact on other harbour users, to address the Collingwood Yacht Club’s immediate issues as a result of the low water levels


Welcome to the Collingwood Harbour Strategic Plan blog site.

Here you will find information relating to the Town's project to develop a strategy to determine short and long terms goals
to enhance the harbour area for the public and various stakeholders, with phased options to be presented to Council for consideration once defined.